Create and publish docker image
Push simple Node application to Docker hub
Build image
Dockerfile example
# Start from a Node.js 10 (LTS) image
FROM node:10
# Specify the directory inside the image in which all commands will run
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy package files and install dependencies
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
RUN npm install --save express
# Copy all of the app files into the image
COPY . .
# The default command to run when starting the container
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
To build image run the command
docker build -t simple-node .
Now if you run the command bellow you ll see your image
docker images
Docker hubs
What is docker image registry ? This is the place where you can save your images and their version. Like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, there are also different docker hubs.
Sure the most popular is Docker hub. But the most modern companies provides their own image registries.
Docker login
To publish image to registry you should have credentials there. Than login throw the terminal.
So open your terminal enter
docker login
Publish image
To publish the image we need to create a tag and than push it.
In the example bellow we ll push image to latest and 0.0.1.
#without version
docker tag simple-node lytvynov/simple-node
docker push lytvynov/simple-node#with version
docker tag simple-node lytvynov/simple-node:0.0.1
docker push lytvynov/simple-node:0.0.1
Than you ll see two versions in your hub account.
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