Top 3 problems of the Product Owner: AI and real experience

Anton Lytvynov
3 min readMar 6, 2024

Every Entrepreneur’s Journey: Navigating Challenges and Harnessing Opportunities

Every entrepreneur faces challenges daily. It’s the direct responsibility of a leader to solve these challenges quickly and effectively. Every decision made moves us forward or backward, and every decision not made leads to stagnation and gradual death.

What pains does a Founder often face? Let’s discuss them.

We asked ChatGPT about the main problems it can identify and compared it with the response from a real company founder, whose answers are based on real experience.

Here’s what ChatGPT responded:

Prioritization Challenges

One of the primary responsibilities of a Product Owner is to prioritize the work that needs to be done on the product. They must balance the needs of various stakeholders, including customers, the development team, and the business, deciding what features or bugs to prioritize. The PO must make tough decisions, often with incomplete information, and these decisions can have significant impacts on the product’s success.

Feedback from Real Founder Proper prioritization moves us in the right direction, bringing us closer to a positive outcome. In contrast, improper prioritization leads to a waste of resources and time. A leader must remember that every action is a plus or minus in the specific sum for their company.

Stakeholder Management and Communication

Product Owners must communicate effectively with a wide range of stakeholders, from customers and users to the development team, marketing, sales, and upper management.

Feedback from Real Founder Where have you seen a successful Founder who gets lost in words? We all admire leaders who can quickly find an answer in a stressful situation, finding the right argument during debates. I have often had to use communication skills that come only with extensive experience in regular negotiations and resolving conflicts. Thus, customers, partners, and the team always move in the same direction.

Balancing Business and Technical Requirements

Product Owners must have a good understanding of both the business and technical sides of product development. They need to translate business requirements into technical tasks and ensure that the development team understands the vision and goals of the product.

Feedback from Real Founder Today, a Product Owner must run faster than ever and never stop — Run Forrest, run! In the world of AI, globalization, robotics, and automation, you’re either one step ahead or you’re already part of the matrix. The time for amateurs has long passed; today’s world demands experts. A strong leader develops themselves and complements themselves with a competent team.

Personal Insights

  1. Partners with whom you can build long and honest relationships are worth their weight in gold. “I want to make a Google (but not Google), only cooler by tomorrow, and I have $10,000, can we do it?”

2. A team that loses motivation due to incubator conditions. “I want remote, to be able to cook meatballs, and a salary of at least $12,000,000 a year, because I’m good.”

3. Incredible competition in a global world.


Everyone here and now has problems that need to be solved. The race never stops, and I’m running, are you?

Founder & CEO, Anton Lytvynov, Lytvynov Production



Anton Lytvynov

CEO & Founder of Lytvynov Production, Senior web developer, architect, cryptocurrencies trader,